I've been away from my blog for a while and this seems like a good moment to catch up. My last blog focused on what was going on at work and I must say that it has been a significant stressor and a huge change and since I wrote about that extensively last time I am done with that discussion.
A focus that did come out of that change though was how I deal with stress and what it means to deal with it. I felt very overwhelmed with just that particular stressor and came to realize that I needed to channel my energies so that I could have calm rather than anxiety. Having worked for many years in the field of mental health I have done extensive research on stress and know well enough the causes and effects of such and yet understand all too well that we often get so caught up in the eddy that it can create that we can get lost in it all. Some stressors in our lives will not be going away and are not in our control, but others are ones that we maybe can have control of and alter them to make them less stressful.
No one is exempt from the stressors that modern day life brings to our lives. It is everywhere and all around us readying itself to take from us if possible. The key is how we navigate through all of what is presented to us and how we let it effect us. I've had many years of stress from my childhood to single parenting and recognizing that taking on stress is only half of the equation. The other half is all about how we deal with it so that it doesn't take over our lives and render us ill from all of the effects that it can have for mind, body and spirit.
I have come to know one way that works for me and how this is woven into my life. My home is my sanctuary and safe place in the world and inside of my home I have a special place too. I have my meditation room that is devoted to quiet and peaceful reflection. It may be where I read or maybe I write. I might listen to some quiet music or I might meditate. Our altar is located in this room and I can smudge as well as reflect in prayer. My affirmation and tarot cards are kept in the meditation room and our drums also hang here to be used when we feel like sharing in drumming energy. There is only good energy that exists here in this space that is devoted to peace and calm. It is a sacred place for us.
We all need a place that can afford us the peace and quiet that we deserve after a long day or as I often do, it is a place where I begin my day. Our lives are busy, hectic and overrun with so many demands on our time and energy and knowing that I can either begin my day or come home and enter this space is a relief for me. I know that the world around us will try to take from us constantly and rather than end up in a bankrupt state of mind we can add back by spending time in this special space dedicated to us. Even if you are not able to dedicate a room such as this, then maybe you can create a corner or space in an existing room and make that your 'special' place where you can reenergize yourself from all the demands the world puts on you. We must look after ourselves and it is never too late to start if you haven't already. Blessings to you all………