
Monday, 20 October 2014

hello from here…...

I look at my last post being from June and I realize that I have once again been away from the blog for a long time.

A lot has happened since June. We had a wonderful holiday in B.C. and made many memories and we also got married! Had a wonderful garden party and shared our happiness with our family and friends! Maybe I could share a blog post about our special day soon. And the rest of what kept me away from here I guess is just life in general. The daily grind, which I will touch on later. So I'm back sort of and know that not anyone at all is depending on me to write an blog post, but I guess for myself it's a place to write down a few words and share something of how I feel about life and other things. I go through periods of time where words in my head just want out and this is my 'out' place it seems. Some things shared are not at all important (in the true reality of life)  and other things I might be a bit more passionate about. Yet I try to be careful in sharing passion because you can walk a fine line there in terms of sharing vs. preaching and I am not at all passionate about preaching. I feel like preaching is an 'in your face' kind of activity and that is usually uncomfortable. It just seems 'loud'.  I find lately that life being 'loud' is something I would rather steer away from. There is so much 'loud' around us and  I have been craving the opposite lately. It may be the change of the season from the active feeling of summer to the settling of autumn and the nearing of the ultimate cocooning in winter. Maybe I'm experiencing that shift. This suits me quite fine. Give me a snowy afternoon with the fireplace burning, a movie and my partner close and I'm a happy girl. Quiet is good.

Reading is quiet. I feel empty if my bookmark does not have a pair of pages to lie between. My reading passion lately has again been about Julia C, having gone through this phase once before and yet I needed to pick up another of her bio's and touch on her life once more. There is something about her 'passion' that makes me smile for her, knowing that she was so desperately longing for something to round out her life or at least become involved in and then found it in Paris no less!! What fun! As I read her bio's she just seems to have had a love for life that I think maybe we find hard to experience in these times that we live in now. That 'joie de vivre' that we all want so much! Yes, we secretly want this for ourselves and I am no different in wanting it also. I'm no fool! It's out there and an arms length away but there is so much else out there too and we often grasp for something that is not as satisfying. It's all about choices. Don't get me wrong my life is not an unsatisfying one by any means but we all have moments where the drudgery sometimes takes over……yes, admit it, it does happen, and we can tend to get our mindset stuck there and that is not a good thing. I know that life is not all fun and fabulous ….. lol… much as we want it to be but a balance just tipped a little over to the side of fun and fabulous would be perfect right? We would all take it in a heartbeat. The perfect life aside, I can truly say that while reading of Julia's life I had many, many moments where I would outwardly smile at her experiences. I loved those moments because I am truly then taken out of my own world and can feel joy for another. I think this is so important so that we can step out of this self centred world that we live in for even a moment and enjoy happiness for someone else. Julia seemed to have a balance of good proportions in her life. Wonderfully tipped to the side of fun and fabulous I must say! I've learned much from reading of her life. I only need to see a picture of her and I smile for so many reasons.

Well I've landed here again and I'm thinking that I want to be back blogging more but I write that hesitantly because it's always the time factor that needs attention to it in the end. So, we will see how it goes and I will end this post feeling no pressure.

Keep smiling and find your 'joie de vivre' even if just for today!! Oh, and I'm off to the library soon to pick up my next book to slip my bookmark into!


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