
Monday, 2 September 2013

September days......

I sit here in early morning and realize that the days of summer are coming to an end soon as we have entered into September quietly over the weekend. September seems to transition into our lives in a way that does not have the applause of June or July, but is simply September. A time when we all know that summer is slipping away and the days of cool fall mornings and the sleepiness of flora will begin. As much as I have enjoyed summer I know that it is time to move on. Our bodies have the inner sense and intuition that hibernation is near. For myself it has been at least a month already where I have at times had the longing of a brisk winter day where I am cocooned in my home with a pot of nourishing soup on the stove and the scent of fresh bread wafting from the oven. I'm not sure if global weather changes cause my body to respond sooner to this desire or if there is something within me that needs to be nourished sooner than later. I do believe that our bodies know what we need and our inner wisdom is not to be ignored. My mind has been engaged in thoughts of winter months as I have been preserving much of the local harvest over the last several weeks and am drawn to how fortunate we will be to have all of these delicious foods grace our table on those cold, blustery days. Days where my mind will hearken back to the summer and how I stood in my kitchen and prepared foods for us to partake of in winter. Our bodies go through these seasonal changes without even a thought on our part. It is simply who we are as resonant beings. I'm drawn to different things at this time of year and as much as I know I am having to give up things that I love from summer, it is time to let go of those things and welcome Fall into my life. My body will yearn for something different and will understand what it needs without my having to decide for it. I love this innate wisdom that exists within us all. We don't have to ask for it or learn it, as it is inside of us from as far back as the day when we were born, but the key to it all is to listen to what we need. It's that little whisper inside of us that is always ready to look after us in the best way possible. I know for myself I need to begin to engage in my nurturing in a different way than I needed to in the summer months. Summer is a time of activity that is often faster paced and jam-packed and I find that by the time September is upon us I am ready to slow down and relax. For me it's just time to do just that. I know I have a few days work left in the kitchen to fill up the root cellar shelves a bit more, but as the harvest is still upon us and I must work with the harvest to fulfil this. But after that is done it is then time to step back and take a break. It's as though the Fall eases us into the winter months where we can rest and recharge ourselves for the upcoming Spring and Summer that will always follow. It's a cycle that has been with us since the beginning of time but I think when we acknowledge it the transition is somewhat easier. My needs change as the seasons change and it's the recognition of this that will allow us to live our best lives.


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