
Wednesday 8 January 2014

Weather & Gratitude…..

It has been a tough weather week here and it seems like it's not quite done yet. Even though the snow is not coming down the temperatures and the road conditions are creating havoc for us all. Yesterday I awoke and the windchill was -41.7! Never have I in my 57 years heard of such a thing in Southwestern Ontario. Wow…. I had to work and when I got into my car to warm it up the sounded like a tin can upon opening and when I sat in it there was no movement at all ……. it was a solid brick of cold. When I turned the key in the ignition the sound that emanated from it was like a pathetic squeal of some sort and even once it was running it didn't sound happy about it but it got me to work and home again without any problems. We also had our sump pump pipe freeze and burn out the pump and since this all happened on a Sunday when resources were at a minimum it took us into Monday to get it fixed. UGH…..but you deal with it because there are no alternatives. So chin up it was! Oh and did I mention that the locks on my car door did a funny thing on Monday morning due to the extreme cold and locked when the door was closed and the car was running so as to warm up in these cold temperatures! Oh yes, and had to call CAA to come and open my car. So there have been lots of things getting in the way or our regular routine and we often don't deal with it very well.

I'm hearing so much frustration with the weather events of the last few days and I know it's a struggle at times but I have to wonder if the worst of it is the fact that we have no control over our lovely Mother Nature. She will do as she choses and we are the recipients of such. Long ago in years past we had the same type of weather conditions but I think we have gotten off easy over the past many years and therefore we tend to forget what they were like. And of course some of you were probably not even born yet! In the 1970's the weather created many challenges and I remember being stranded at my job in London. Yes, stranded 'at' my job, not at my home! Big difference. Who wants that! In the big storm of 1978 I remember finally being able to drive home and the snowbanks were at least 3 times higher than my car! It was incredible! This week the buses have been cancelled for the local schools for the last 3 days and remember the kids have not been back to school yet since the Christmas break if I am correct in thinking that. People are scrambling to find alternate child care as they are still heading to work and this can become complicated and stressful but sending large numbers of children to school in huge buses that will be skidding on ice is probably not a good idea either. To put bus drivers and children in imminent danger makes no sense. My partner drove to work in London this morning and she said the roads were all ice! No salt will melt this at these temperatures so I hear.  I am always seemingly being taught lessons of patience and I have to wonder if this is yet not another one of those grand lessons. For me it might very well be a time to sit back and really realize just how ok all of this is.

Kelly and I spoke last night of our gratitude in being inside of a warm house with all of our amenities and to instead think of how the homeless population must be struggling so much more than anyone else is right now. We have the gift of a front door that opens with our own key. The homeless do not. They may never own a door with a key. Hopefully warming stations in the area are able to handle the needs of this population. We are also aware of the stray animals that roam and in particular the one cat that our neighbour feeds from her porch has not been seen in a few days. I hope it's ok. Our feathered friends are flocking to our backyard to feed voraciously at all the bird feeders we have out and the heated bird bath we have so they can preen and drink. We spotted a squirrel having a big drink the other day too!  Our bird food budget is expanding but that's ok.

I have to think that these kinds of experiences are sometimes meant to shake up our world a bit and make us realize that life can throw us a curve and we are able to manage it well. The stress that people are feeling is not something that will always help us to navigate through these challenges in a positive way. People become frustrated, agitated and then it can all start to go wrong. Having that negative energy in us and around us is something that will drain us for sure leaving us feeling even worse. If you are warm and safe be grateful. Maybe a day of gratitude is what we need to get us back on track because even with all of these weather challenges there is still much to be grateful for.

So on my day off today I choose to sit quietly with my pot of tea and a clay mask on (ha! so glad you can't see that!) enjoying sharing my words with you. I hope you are warm and safe and looking forward to what the rest of your day will bring and maybe even what the rest of your winter may bring. We live in a country where seasons come and go and this winter season right now seems to be speaking up loudly at the moment! Let it speak and listen carefully. A lesson may unfold.

Warm blessings to all,


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